Savoury Goodness

Apart from overindulging on sweet sweet fatty fatty goodness, Matt and I love to eat at home and experiment with food and recipes.....ok fine, it's mainly me that love to do that.

Cheese Naans
Last night's cooking adventure led to me baking "cheese naans".  Not the most healthiest thing to eat at 10pm, but chubbyguts wanted a snack while he watched the ever so exciting 'Tour de France'.

These were pretty easy to make but I must admit I didn't roll out the dough enough so they kinda looked like little cheese pockets rather than naans. Matt's response to the home made naans was that they were AWESOME and maybe next time I could put more cheese..... *rolls eyes* no wonder the kilos keep piling on.

Trying to keep it low fat, I used low fat yoghurt in the dough and low fat cheese.......oh wait, no I didn't ... well, whatever, I baked them in the oven rather than frying them as some recipes called for and they turned out boootiful. Will make them again ....and yes, with more cheese please.

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